Blockchain commodities exchange for transparent & accessible trading in emerging markets.

Riso is a blockchain-based commodities marketplace. It leverages the power of distributed ledger technology to:

  • Address transparency and trust in commodity trading
  • Create more efficient, cheaper markets
  • Lower barriers to entry

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01. RISO Objectives

Efficiency - Create more efficient, cheaper markets

Transparency - Address transparency and trust in commodity trading

 Barriers - Lower barriers to entry

Our Idea

The "Amazon" of commodity exchanges built on blockchain

02. Problem

Commodity markets face hyper-speculation and are unsuitable for small producers. Many regions, including West Africa, lack effective commodity exchanges, resulting in reliance on imports like rice from China due to local supply volatility. These challenges underscore the pressing need for improvement in commodity exchanges to support local economies and reduce dependence on external sources.

03. Solution

The solution to commodity exchanges is to address transparency and trust issues in trading. Riso is bringing this solution by using blockchain technology and distributed ledger systems. These technologies ensure that transactions and records are transparent, secure, and tamper-proof. By implementing these technologies, Riso aims to tackle the challenges of transparency and trust in commodity trading. Additionally, Riso focuses on reducing barriers for producers and consumers, making it easier for them to enter the market. By targeting emerging markets without established exchanges or facing volume trading difficulties, Riso provides a platform that facilitates their participation in commodity trading